Pollution Even though we are not hunting whales as much as we once did, humans are still harming whales by damaging their environment. Can you imagine what it would be like if somebody kept dumping garbage and toxic chemicals into your house? Well, this is what we are doing to whales by continuing to pollute the world’s oceans. There is more and more evidence to suggest that whales may be living shorter lives thanks to the dangerous chemicals building up in the waters where they swim. The remaining few hundred Beluga Whales in the St. Lawrence River are so badly exposed to chemicals that their bodies must be disposed as toxic waste when they die. The mass stranding of dozens or sometimes even hundreds of whales on beaches around the world is another problem which might be related to ocean pollution. Nobody is sure exactly what makes otherwise healthy-looking whales suddenly swim onto dry land, endangering their lives. Some species, including Pilot Whales, Beluga Whales, Cuvier’s Beaked Whales, Striped Dolphins, and White-sided Dolphins seem particularly prone to stranding. Some experts believe the strange behavior is caused by disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field, which the whales use to navigate. But others think that the presence of toxic chemicals in the whales’ brains could be the problem.